How to Transfer Images and Videos from iOS Device Using Ubuntu
Author: Kevin
Updated: Sep. 23, 2023
Category: Apple

How to Transfer Images and Videos from iOS Device Using Ubuntu

Transferring photos and videos from your iPhone to an Ubuntu computer may seem daunting, but with the right tools, it's a straightforward process. In this guide, I'll walk you through the steps to seamlessly transfer your precious memories from your iOS device to your Linux-based system.

Step 1: Update Your Package List

Before installing any software, ensure your package list is up to date:

sudo apt update

Step 2: Install libimobiledevice

Start by installing libimobiledevice, a set of command-line utilities that allow communication with iOS devices on Linux. This package provides essential tools for interacting with your iPhone:

sudo apt-get install libimobiledevice-utils

Step 3: Install ifuse

Next, install ifuse, a utility that enables mounting your iPhone's file system on your Ubuntu computer:

sudo apt-get install ifuse

Step 4: Install rsync

To efficiently synchronize and transfer files, install rsync, a powerful file transfer utility:

sudo apt-get install rsync

Step 5: Connect and Trust Your iPhone

Connect your iPhone to your Ubuntu computer using a USB cable. If prompted, trust the connection on your iPhone. This step is crucial for establishing a secure connection.

Step 6: Create a Directory

Create a directory where you'll mount your iPhone's file system and store the transferred files. For example, you can create a directory named "iPhone" in your home directory:

mkdir ~/iPhone

Step 7: Find Your iPhone's UDID

Use the idevice_id command to discover your iPhone's UDID (Unique Device Identifier). This identifier is essential for mounting your iPhone:

idevice_id -l

Step 8: Mount Your iPhone

Now, use the ifuse command to mount your iPhone's file system. Replace YOUR_UDID” with the actual UDID obtained in the previous step. This command establishes a connection between your Ubuntu computer and your iPhone:

ifuse --udid YOUR_UDID ~/iPhone/

Step 9: Synchronize Your Photos and Videos

You're now ready to transfer your photos and videos. Use the rsync command to preserve attributes and show progress while copying the contents of your iPhone's DCIM directory to your desired location. Replace “DESTINATION_DIRECTORY" with the path where you want to store the files:

rsync -avz --progress ~/iPhone/DCIM/ DESTINATION_DIRECTORY/

Step 10: Safely Unmount Your iPhone

After the transfer is complete, it's essential to unmount your iPhone to ensure a safe disconnect:

fusermount -u ~/iPhone/

Conclusion: Transferring photos and videos from your iPhone to Ubuntu doesn't have to be complicated. With libimobiledevice, ifuse, and rsync, you can easily manage your iOS device's content right from your Linux-based system. Follow these steps, and your cherished memories will be safely stored on your Ubuntu computer for easy access and backup.